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Scientific Poster Download

modified on Oct. 17, 2023

Accelerating Early Drug Discovery Process with Vanilla Antibody Production using 777 Platform
Gaozhan Zhang, Deyang Zeng, Dawei Zhang, Mengjie Lu, Jiansheng Wu
WuXi Biologics, NO.240 Hedan Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China

The assessment of binding affinity, biological properties, and critical developability parameters for thousands of candidates in early antibody drug discovery process often requires small amounts of purified materials (< 1g). To support our clients and to overcome the challenges associates with protein production, WuXi Biologics has established one HTP antibody production platform “777”, representing 7 days for gene synthesis, 7 days for protein expression, and 7 days for purification and QC.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the 2023 World ADC Conference in London

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