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Scientific Poster Download

Scientific Poster modified on Nov. 3, 2024

Optimizing Bispecific Antibody Production: Strategies for Improved Purity and Yield
Gaozhan Zhang, Li Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Mengjie Lu, Zhumei Feng, Jiansheng Wu
WuXi Biologics, NO.240 Hedan Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China

Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) are a rapidly evolving and promising category of biotherapeutics. Unlike monoclonal antibodies, the production of bsAbs presents significant challenges in terms of quantity, quality, and stability, which could potentially limit their wider adoption in clinical applications. At WuXi Biologics, our Protein Sciences (PS) Department has developed integrated strategies to overcome these challenges in bsAb production.

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