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Scientific Poster Download

modified on 04/04/2024

Leveraging Display Technologies for Generation and Optimization of Biotherapeutics
Gennady Gololobov, Donghui Wu, Huihui He, Xian Sun, Liying Zhang, Guosong Liu, George Wang, Jijie Gu
Biologics Innovation and Discovery, WuXi Biologics, 227 Meisheng Road, Shanghai, PRC

Around 200 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) or related products including bispecific antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) have been approved for the treatment of cancer and inflammation, autoimmune and infectious diseases, many of which were originally discovered via phage display or yeast display technologies. Phage display and yeast display are two powerful antibody discovery and optimization platforms that offer the advantages of high-throughput panning and FACS sorting to expedite the lead discovery process. Here we present the importance of preparing high quality display libraries to maximize their effectiveness for lead preclinical candidate identification and optimization and demonstrate the flexibility of this highly-adaptable and efficient discovery platform for biologics of all types.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the Festival of Biologics 2024 conference

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