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WuXi Biologics Named to MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes for Second Consecutive Year
Jun. 14, 2024
WuXi Biologics Named to MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes for Second Consecutive Year

Shanghai, June 14, 2024 – WuXi Biologics (“WuXi Bio”) (2269.HK), a leading global Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO), announced it has been named to the 2024 MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes. This marks the second consecutive year the company has been included in the indexes for its outstanding sustainability performance.



MSCI, a leading investment research firm, provides stock indexes and portfolio performance analytics to institutional investors. Its ESG Leaders Indexes are designed to represent the performance of companies with high ESG ratings relative to their sector peers. The index suite utilizes MSCI’s award-winning ESG Research and ESG Ratings to identify companies that have demonstrated an ability to manage their ESG risks and opportunities and are therefore eligible for inclusion. In 2023, WuXi Biologics received an AAA rating from MSCI for outstanding performance in Key Issues of Climate Change, Corporate Governance, Talent Development, and Product Safety & Quality, on its rating scale from AAA (Leaders) to CCC (Laggards).


Dr. Chris Chen, WuXi Biologics CEO and Chairman of the ESG Committee, commented, “We are very proud to be included again in the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes. WuXi Biologics regards sustainability as the cornerstone of our business development, and being recognized by MSCI as an ESG industry leader underscores the success of our comprehensive ESG strategy – in alignment with the company’s vision and mission – as well as the effective implementation of our ESG approaches. Moving forward, we will continue to enhance our sustainability capabilities for the common good of the global community.”


In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, WuXi Biologics has been making steady progress in pursuing sustainable development. In 2023, it was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability™ World Index and Emerging Markets Index, identified as a sustainability leader by S&P Global through its annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Since 2021, the company has been selected as a constituent company of the FTSE4Good Index Series, demonstrating strong ESG practices measured against globally recognized standards.


About WuXi Biologics

WuXi Biologics (stock code: 2269.HK) is a leading global Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO) offering end-to-end solutions that enable partners to discover, develop and manufacture biologics – from concept to commercialization – for the benefit of patients worldwide.


With over 12,000 skilled employees in China, the United States, Ireland, Germany and Singapore, WuXi Biologics leverages its technologies and expertise to provide customers with efficient and cost-effective biologics discovery, development and manufacturing solutions. As of December 31, 2023, WuXi Biologics is supporting 698 integrated client projects, including 24 in commercial manufacturing.


WuXi Biologics views Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibilities as an integral component of our ethos and business strategy, and we aim to be an ESG leader in the biologics CRDMO sector. Our facilities use next-generation biomanufacturing technologies and clean-energy sources. We have also established an ESG committee led by our CEO to steer the comprehensive ESG strategy and its implementation, enhancing our commitment to sustainability.


For more information about WuXi Biologics, please visit: www.wuxibiologics.com.










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