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Innovative Strategies for the Development and Manufacture of Challenging Bispecific Antibodies and Fusion Proteins
Xiaoyue Chen, PhD / Yifeng Li, PhD
Head of Cell Line Development / Head of Downstream Process Development, WuXi Biologics

In this webinar, Dr. Xiaoyue Chen and Dr. Yifeng Li delve into innovative strategies for tackling the complex challenges associated with developing and manufacturing bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) and fusion proteins in mammalian systems. These next-generation biologics often present issues such as suboptimal stability, product aggregation, and low productivity, which can compromise product quality, consistency, and scalability. The webinar highlights advanced technical solutions with a focus on manufacturing process optimization to ensure efficiency, scalability, and a reduction in cost of goods (COGs).


Watch the webinar on-demand to learn about the evolving landscape of novel biologics, in particular the holistic challenges in chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) development for these intricate therapies. The webinar explores technical strategies to overcome specific hurdles in bispecific antibody development, providing insights into achieving efficient fusion protein production using mammalian systems. Through case studies and real-world examples, WuXi Biologics demonstrates how advanced strategies can derisk development efforts and accelerate timelines, offering valuable takeaways for professionals involved in CMC, bioprocessing, and biologics manufacturing.

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