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webinar modified on 27/06/2024

Advanced Analytical Strategies: From Protein Structure Characterization to Potency Assessment for Challenging Biologic Modalities
Tongdan Wang, Ph.D. and Xinyuan Lu, Ph.D.
Senior Directors, Analytical Sciences at WuXi Biologics

In the rapidly evolving landscape of biologics, especially with new modalities like antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) and bispecific/multispecific antibodies, thorough product characterization and potency assessment are vital for quality control and regulatory compliance. This webinar will focus on advanced methods for product characterization, including cutting-edge technologies like CIEF-MS and sequence variant analysis, tailored for ADCs, BsAbs, and other biologics. It will also address effective potency assay development strategies across all stages of drug development, with case studies highlighting challenges and solutions for complex modalities such as ADCs, probodies, BsAbs, and MsAbs.

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