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Integrated Discovery Platform
From Concept to IND

Reagent Materials Generation​

WuXi Biologics offers extensive research materials generation capabilities for immunization, bioassays, candidate screening and other biologics discovery and research applications.  Our services include the production of high-quality control antibodies, target proteins, antigens, and target/tool cell lines.  Additional R&D materials generation capabilities include reagent labelling, protein engineering, protein bioconjugation, target and tool cell line characterization, cell surface protein quantification, in-cell biotinylation, protein analytics and product or cell line stability assessment.

Soluble Antigen Design and Production​

Utilizing our extensive experience in soluble antigen design and production, we produce high-quality antigen and fusion protein materials as well as immunization plasmids for novel therapeutic antibody discovery programs.  Some examples include the production of challenging target proteins, such as GPCRs (G Protein-Coupled Receptors), ion channels, and cytokines.


Antigen generation process and timeline


  • Conventional antigen: 4.5 – 6 weeks​
  • Challenging antigen: 6 – 9 weeks


​Protein production systems available:


  • Mammalian cells expression system
  • ​E. Coli expression system​
  • Baculovirus-insect expression system​​
  • Yeast expression system


Challenging target protein production platform:​


  • Virus-like-particles​
  • Nanodiscs


​Related services:


  • Protein labeling
  • ​Protein de-glycosylation​
  • Endotoxin detection and removal
  • ​Tag removal

Tool Cell Line Generation


Cell line generation process and timeline:


WuXi Biologics offers stable mammalian cell pool and cell line generation services for the purpose of membrane protein expression. We have extensive experience in target cell line generation including construction of co-expressing and reporter gene cell lines.  I addition our expert teams can generate cell lines used for the production of challenging target proteins, such as GPCRs (G Protein-Coupled Receptors) and ion channels.





  • Stable cell pool: 7 – 10 weeks
  • Stable cell line: 10 – 15 weeks


Related services: 


  • Cell surface protein quantitation
  • In-cell biotinylation

Benchmark Antibodies


WuXi Biologics’ discovery services for antibody production is a gene-to-protein workflow that can produce tens to hundreds of diverse antibodies from small-scale (15-40 mL) to large-scale (1-5 L) cell culture volumes for discovery, screening and in-vivo studies.

​Key features:​


  • Automation, High-throughput
  • High yield​ protein expression
  • SEC-HPLC/CE-SDS Analysis
  • ​​Endotoxin control
  • ​Stability testing if needed​​
  • 3 weeks turnaround time