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Protein Sciences

Uniting Drug Development Expertise with Antibody & Protein Production Services


Customer Rewards Program


Through our Customer Rewards Program, you can earn redeemable points that can be used to claim rewards. Points are earned based on the total expenditure you make on our custom protein services.


  • For every $1 spent, you receive 1 point in your account
  • Points are earned on final proposal amount (exclude shipping fees)
  • Redeem your points for a variety of rewards listed in our rewards catalog (examples below)


Contact your business development representative to take advantage of this program!


Customer Rewards Program Terms and Conditions


  • Eligibility: Available to all customers who have made purchases of PS services.
  • Redeeming Points: Each reward’s redemption value is specified in terms of points required.
  • Points Expiration: Points are always valid and never expire.
  • Account Management: Rewards are managed by our business development representatives.
  • Program Changes: The program may be modified, suspended, or terminated at any time without prior notice. Changes may include adjustments to earning rates, redemption options, or rules.

Your Project. Our Expertise.