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Protein Sciences

Uniting Drug Development Expertise with Antibody & Protein Production Services


Discover a World of Innovations for Protein Production through our Video Collection


Welcome to our comprehensive video collection where you can learn more about WuXi Biologics’ Protein Services Department and the range of protein production services we provide.

Protein Sciences Videos

  • A HTP bispecific antibody (BsAb) production platform designed to unlock the optimal pairing of BsAb in a fast and cost-effective way (~3-4 weeks).
    Quick ‘n’ Clean: Unlock the Optimal Pairings of Bispecific Antibodies (BsAbs).
  • Ultra 96 is a fast and cost-effective antibody production platform that accelerates your early-stage drug development by producing hundreds to thousands of antibodies in just 3 weeks.
    Ultra 96+: Ultra High-Throughput (uHTP) Antibody Production System.
  • Uniting biologics development expertise with antibody production for research, our offerings span monoclonal antibodies, bispecific and multi-specific antibodies, and antibody fragments, including Fab, VHH, scFv, and sdAb.
    Featured Services
  • Early-stage biologics drug developability testing
    Micro Developability Services
  • Premium Bispecific Antibody Production Services
  • GramExpress Services

Your Project. Our Expertise.