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modified on 19/06/2023

Developability Assessment and Optimization in Antibody Drug Discovery
George Wang, Ph.D.
Vice President of Discovery and Preclinical Services, WuXi Biologics

During antibody engineering and the preclinical candidate lead screening and selection phase in early R&D, great emphasis is put on finding the ideal candidate with the desired binding, specificity, efficacy, safety, cross-reactivity and biological function characteristics. What can be missed is consideration for the developability and manufacturability of these molecules. To not evaluate the lead molecules for developability related attributes, such as homogeneity, stability, solubility and specificity could lead to significant CMC development challenges, resulting in extended development timelines and high manufacturing costs. This webinar will address how and when to incorporate developability assessment and enhancement into the biologics screening and optimization phases of early discovery and why it is such an important aspect to avoid future downstream issues. Case studies will be provided throughout the webinar to demonstrate the criticality of these types of assessments and optimizations.

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