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webinar modified on 22/02/2024

Accelerating High-Concentration Protein Drug Product Development Via the High-Throughput, and High-Quality WuXiHigh™ Platform
Jeremy Guo, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Head of Drug Product Development (DPD), Clinical Drug Product (DP) Manufacturing Network at WuXi Biologics

Approximately one third of commercially available monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics are high concentration drug products, with the highest FDA-approved protein concentration reaching 200 mg/mL. These biopharmaceuticals are growing rapidly due to their cost-effectiveness in chronic disease treatment and potential for subcutaneous administration. However, developing them is challenging due to increased protein interactions at higher concentrations. The WuXiHigh™ platform has addressed these formulation challenges effectively, supporting over 70 projects to date across various modalities such as monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, fusion proteins, and antibody drug conjugates. This webinar will explore the challenges of high protein concentration formulations and present case studies demonstrating the WuXiHigh platform’s successful solutions.

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