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Scientific Poster Download

modified on Feb. 14, 2025

An Integrated Approach to Accelerate the ADC Discovery with WuXi XDC Innovative Technology Toolbox
Jiawei Lu, Qirui Fan, Jun Wang, Sudhir Patil, Wei Gu, George Wang, Lily Yin, and Jimmy Li

Scientists constantly experience a lot of challenges during years of discovery process, such as fragmented CRO network, challenging conjugation, and analytical characterization for diversified moieties. Among those faced during discovery efforts for antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), is the precise control of drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) and drug distribution. WuXi XDC’s integrated bioconjugate discovery platform, WuXi DAR technology, includes antibody, linker-payload and ADC/bioconjugate preparation, developability assessment, proprietary narrow DAR distribution technology, and in vitro/in vivo characterization to precisely control the conjugate drug load to DAR2, DAR4 or DAR6.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the 2025 World ADC Conference in London

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