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Newsletter: December 2024

CEO Perspective
New Year 2024-2025

As fall cools into winter and the year comes to an end, I want to take a moment to reflect on a remarkable year—made possible through your support. Your dedication, creativity, and determination to transform lives inspire the more than 12,000 members of WuXi Biologics every day. We hope that in working with us, you’ve felt supported and empowered to reach your goals.


This year is flush with achievements. On R, we have become trusted partners for companies such as GSK, Arcus, Medigene, AaDi, and many others. Our potential best-in-class CD3 platform and ADC and bispecific platforms are playing a key role in enabling global clients.


On D, we continue to be the global leader with strengths in technology, speed, and execution. In the U.S., our biologics development team is fully set up and has successfully manufactured 10 batches at a 100% success rate. Our capacity to support 150 INDs per year is unparallelled in our industry and we expect to enable ~120 IND approvals this year despite biotech funding challenges. We have enabled 550+ biologics up to Q2 2024. This year, we completed a DNA-to-IND program for a global autoimmune initiative in 6 months, another industry milestone. As of June, we are developing 742 integrated programs for the global community.


Excluding nine COVID products, on M, 16 of your programs reached the commercial stage—an inspiring reminder that years of hard work led to real-world impact. Moreover, these successes span a variety of modalities, including some of the most difficult, where WuXi Biologics’ technical strength gave you a better chance to make a difference. We completed 14 PPQs this year with 100% success, including two at our Irish site, and recently a HRPA certification for the entire facility. We passed all regulatory inspections this year with 100% success, including an EMEA GMP inspection to cover 10 biologics at the same time. These achievements are about more than numbers, though—they are about making sure that we are ready to meet your needs in any place and at any time, no matter what the challenge is.


Innovation remains our heartbeat. This year, we introduced WuXia™ RidGS, FlexiGo, and PawBio solutions while expanding touchstone technical platforms such as WuXiHigh™, WuXiUI™, and WuXiUP™. Through webinars, white papers, and discussions with you, WuXi Biologics continues to share knowledge and tools that help accelerate progress for even the most complex biologics.


Our purpose is clear: to help you succeed regardless of how dynamic our environment becomes. Watching your achievements in 2024 has been a privilege, and we are excited for what lies ahead in 2025. As we enter this holiday season, I hope you enjoy time with family, friends, and colleagues and enter the new year with fresh energy and optimism, just like I do.


Thank you for trusting us as your partner on this journey. Together, we are transforming the future of biologics.


Warmly and sincerely,


Chris Chen
CEO, WuXi Biologics