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Newsletter: May 2024

Partner News

    WuXi Biologics Announces Research Service Agreement with BioNTech on Discovering Investigational Monoclonal Antibodies for Developing Next-Generation Therapeutic Product Candidates
    Myricx Bio Enters into an Exclusive Antibody License Agreement with WuXi Biologics

Company News

    WuXi Biologics Breaks Ground on CRDMO Center in Singapore
    WuXi Biologics Ireland Site Receives Three ISO Certifications
    WuXi Biologics Successfully Completes First 16,000 L Manufacturing Run in Ireland
    WuXi Biologics to Increase Manufacturing Capacity in Massachusetts

In Case You Missed It


    WuXi Biologics Reports Solid 2023 Annual Results

    Regulatory Updates

    First half calendar year updates in theever-changing regulatory environment forbiological therapeutics and vaccines.


    WuXi Biologics Named to CDP ‘A List’ for Water Security


    WuXi Biologics Launches WuXiaADCCPLUS™ for the Development and Manufacturing of Afucosylated Antibodies that Elicit Enhanced ADCC Effect