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Novel Biologics Development and Manufacturing with WuXi Biologics’ Microbial Platform
Dr. Sam Zhang
Head of Microbial and Viral Platforms (MVP), WuXi Biologics

Unlock the full potential of microbial-derived biologics with WuXi Biologics’ advanced microbial production capabilities. Join Dr. Sam Zhang, VP of Biologics Development and Manufacturing, as he explores how our cutting-edge technology and integrated approach are prepped to accelerate your product from DNA to IND, BLA, and commercial manufacturing.


From strain development to commercial production, gain valuable insight into seamless scalability, innovative solutions for many modalities, and real-world applications explored through exclusive case studies and expert insights.


This on-demand webinar is essential for outsourcing, supply, and project managers, CMC leaders, and scientists seeking smarter, faster microbial production strategies.


Catch up on the latest insights—watch now!

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