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Production Systems

WuXi Biologics provides advanced, cost-effective and high-yielding production systems for the manufacture of a wide range of biologics. Whether you require mammalian cell culture or microbial fermentation, we provide expert support and extensive experience at small- and large-scale across the entire drug discovery to commercialization continuum.

Mammalian-Derived Products

A true single-source provider from concept to commercialization for biologics produced from mammalian cell culture

Our high quality, expert, Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO) services span across the entire discovery to commercialization continuum for biologics produced from mammalian cell culture. Leveraging over 10 discovery platforms, top-tier CMC development teams, and an extensive global manufacturing supply chain, we deliver seamless cost-effective target to market biologics development services to meet all your needs whether it be highly integrated “target-to-lead,” “DNA-to-IND,” and “late-stage-to-BLA” programs or standalone projects.


Microbial-Derived Products

High quality, expert services for biologics produced from microbial fermentation

Our comprehensive Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO) services from early R&D to commercialization for biologics produced from microbial fermentation offer our clients seamless, efficient and cost-effective biologics development platforms for the myriad of products produced from this economical and highly flexible production system.


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