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Press Releases

WuXi Biologics Annual ESG Supplier Summit
Jun. 08, 2022
WuXi Biologics Annual ESG Supplier Summit

In June 2022, WuXi Biologics successfully held annual training sessions for most of its suppliers worldwide. Over 300 participants participated in the summit. The Sustainable Procurement Task Force from WuXi Biologics and industry partners from over 140 companies gathered together.


Key themes discussed in the 2022 Summit included: WuXi Biologics’ stringent quality standards, Employee Rights, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Sustainability as well as Business Integrity and Ethics.


We value the opportunity to connect with our valued supply chain partners to understand key sustainability priorities, explore approaches to deliver improvements in priority areas, and identify opportunities to accelerate efforts in support of long-term sustainability goals.


Mr. Jerry Zhang, Vice President, head of Global Strategic Operations; Ms. Sharon Tang, Vice President, head of Global Communications and Operations; Ms. Jenny Hu, Vice President, head of Global Procurement and Import and Export Department attended the summit, provided critical insights to attendees throughout the event, and sharing WuXi Biologics’ ESG strategies, initiatives and our vision of how we will work together with our supply chain partners to build up a sustainable supply chain.


The Sustainable Procurement Task Force was established in 2022, aiming to foster interaction with suppliers throughout the world, putting together a step-by-step guide to enable suppliers to create an ESG strategy, and most importantly, to keep enhancing a strong, reliable, and responsible supply chain going forward.