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WuXi Biologics Stands on PAT
Feb. 05, 2025
WuXi Biologics Stands on PAT


The BioPharma sector is under constant pressure to bring more novel therapies to market, more quickly and affordably. Attaining this goal requires improved operational control and continuous real-time quality assurance. These processes are the potential benefits of process analytical technology (PAT), i.e., the analysis and control of manufacturing through the timely measurement of critical quality and performance attributes of material and process.


In this article, Hang Zhou, PhD, Senior Vice President and Head of Bioprocess Research and Development (BRD) at WuXi Biologics, discusses the critical role of advanced PAT in enhancing biologics development and manufacturing.  It highlights the adoption of Raman spectroscopy and biocapacitance-based PAT for real-time monitoring of cell culture processes, enabling precise control of parameters like viable cell density, product quality attributes, and metabolites.


To read the full article, please visit: WuXi Biologics Stands on PAT